Home No title byAPTEACHERS LATEST AND USEFUL UPDATES APPSC DEPT TESTS Notification No.16/2011 November-2011 Session EOT-141-APPSC-Dept for EOT-Held on 18/7-Results-click Limited Urdu Recruitment Notification-URDU DSC 2011-click APPSC-Dept Test-Lang Test Code 37-Held on 18/7-Results-click SMC Formation-Rules-Power Point Presentation National Talent Search Exam-2011 FINAL RESULTS DSC-08 REGULAR PAYBILL SOFTWARE INTER EXAMS TIMETABLE---SSC EXAMS TIMETABLE SSC AGE EXEMPTION MODEL HM Account TEST APPLICATION for Aided/Municipal Teachers EMPLOYEE MAPPING FORM FEE REIMBURSEMENT APPl Final Seniority Lists of SGTs & Equal Cadres for Promotin as SA for Nov-2011 District Science Fair November 2011-Guidelines & Themes Seniority Lists of SGTs and Equal Cadres upto DSC 2000 Instructions on Seniority Lists to MEOs Rc.140/RVM-Vsp-Instructions on Formation of New SMCs Gr-II Hostel Welfare Officers--Notifcation click--&--Application-Click Proc. Rc.2045 and Roster Points for engaging VVs in High Schools 2011-12 Rc.9-RMSA-VSP-&Forms for submitting SMDC, PTA, SBC, & SAC RECENT GOs & ISSUES-NEWS GO.162 Dt.18/11/11-Permission to fill 968 Vacancies in AP Res. Edn Institutions thru DSC GO.159 Dt.16/11/11-Permission to Notifiy Vacancies for New DSC for 11139 Posts Rc.10809/A3-Guntur DEO-Sanctioning CCLs for Census Work done in 2nd Phase Roc.3843-Orders to Regional Director to Instruct Municipal Commissioners for Implementation of 2Notional Increments to Mpl Trs Rc.412-Dir-SCERT-Conducting Dist Level Science Fairs in Nov'2011-Guidelines and Themes-Sub Themes-Reg GO.814 11/11/11-Amendment to URDU SGT Limited Teacher Posts Vacancies GO.887 3/11/11-Filling Up of 1401 Teacher posts in Tribal Welfare Ashram Schools by way of Direct Recruitment GO.152 1/11/11-Guidelines for Limited Recruitment of Urdu Tr Posts Rc.190/C5 Dt.29/10/11 DEO West Godavari Sanctioning CCLs for Census Duty Click & Download--SSC 2012 TIMETABLE---INTER TIMETABLE GO.151 28/10 Paying of Salaries to TG Teachers for 32days Strike Period GO.240 28/10 Payment of Advance Salary of 1Month to TG Strike Employees GO.319 27/10 JBAR-New School Referrel Guidelines Issued GO.488 Dt:25/10- Two Notional Increments to Municipal Teachers Rc.3991 Dt:25/10/11- PF A/c's-Clarifiraction for Spl VVs of DSC-02 Rc.31/E1 Dt.21.10.11 of DSE -Revised Working Days Schedule for TG dists on compensation for Strike Period Rc.60/B7 18/10 MEOs accorded Drawing Powers for SMCs in place of Special Officers GO.591 Dt:20/11 - Dept Tests published in APPSC website are authentic for all Benefits and taken as Official G.O.42 Dt:19/11 - 3% Reservations to PH in Promotions and Roster points-Reg G.O.4773 Dt:19/11 - List of General& Optional Holidays for 2012 GO.226 29/9/11 - 8% Simple Interest on CPS Contributions from 1.9.04 to 31.3.11 Rc.222/RVM - Positining of VVs in Place of Maternity/on Deputation Teachers Rc.365-16/9/11-Games and Sports Material to Schools-Rs.2000 for PS, Rs.4000 for UP/HS should be kept apart from school Grants GO.134,135-AP Res Edn Institutions-Strikes are prohibited Memo No:023400-A/163/P.C.II/2011-Clarifications of AAS 18 years - Reg Rc.190 Date:5/9/11-Training to newly recruited Teachers and VVs-Reg GO.130 Date:9/9/11-Certain Amendments to RTE AP -2010 Act- Rc.60/B7/RVM Dt:5/7/11-/Special Officers will perform as Chairpersons for SMCs Rc.274 30/8/11-Preperation of Question Papers and Meeting the Xerox Charges from School Grants Reg Memo 9542-Apprentice Teachers are also eligible for Medical Reimbrsement Rc.88/RVM -NPEGEL-Implementation of NPEGEL Activities during 2011-12-Suggestive list of Guidelines-Reg Most Referred CCLs Clarification Memo.13112 and GO.35-Click Rc.No.31/E1-1/2011 DSE -List of Holidays and Activities to be conducted during 2011-12 Rc.No.980/C3-1 Dt:19/8/11-Insutrctions on Pass in Dept Tests & promotions of Gr.II HMs Cir.Memo.No.020091 17/8/11-Clarifications issued on New AAS Scales(6/12/18/24) FOR PREVIOUS GOs CLICK HERE-'MORE GO'' Facebook Twitter Share:No title Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Tumblr Telegram Email