Vizianagaram Contract Jobs 2024 in WDCW Department Apply Now Application PDF

Vizianagaram Contract Jobs in WDCW Department Apply Now Application PDF


WD&CW Dept., Vizianagaram- As per the instructions issued by the District Collector & Chairman of the Selection Committee the Previous Notification No.1109/2023/A2/MVS (ICPS), dt.20.11.2023 is cancelled due to Administrative Grounds and issued Re - Notification for Recruitment of following posts in District Child Protection Unit (DCPU),Specialized Adoption Agency(SAA) and Children Homes in Vizianagaram District.


File. No.1109/2023/A2, MVS(ICPS), dt.04.09.2024
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à°¤ేà°¦ి: 04.09.2024 à°…à°¨ిà°µాà°°్à°¯ à°•ారణముà°² వలన à°Žంà°ªిà°• à°•à°®ిà°Ÿీ à°šైà°°్మన్ ఆదేశముà°² à°…à°¨ుసరింà°šి à°¦ి à°°ేà°–ా à°¸ంà°–్à°¯ 1109/2023/A2/MV(ICPS), à°¤ేà°¦ి: 20.11.2023 పత్à°°ిà°•ా à°ª్à°°à°•à°Ÿà°¨ à°¸ాà°•్à°·ి à°¦ినపత్à°°ిà°•à°²ో à°ª్à°°à°šుà°°ింà°šిà°¨ à°ª్à°°à°•à°Ÿà°¨ à°°à°¦్à°¦ుపరుà°¸్à°¤ూ మరల à°ªునర్à°¨ిà°¯ామక à°ª్à°°à°•à°Ÿà°¨ à°šేà°¯ుà°Ÿà°•ు à°¨ిà°°్ణయింà°šà°¡à°®ైనది.

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The District Women 8s Child Welfare and Empowerment Officer, WD&CW Dept.,1st Floor, Collectorate Complex, Vizianagaram - 535003 invites applications from the eligible candidates for the following posts in the District Child Protection Unit (DCPU) Specialized Adoption Agency (SAA) and Children Homes working under the administrative control of 0/o. District Women 86 Child Welfare and Empowerment Officer at Vizianagaram

Vizianagaram District Contract Jobs 2024 Vacancies

Name of the Post Nature
District Child Protection Officer (DCP0) Contract
Assistant cum Data Entry Operator Contract
Social Worker cum Early Childhood Educator (Applicable for Women candidate only) Contract

Storekeeper cum Accountant (Applicable for Women candidates only)
Cook (Applicable for Women candidates only) Out
Helper cum Night Watchmen (Applicable for Women candidates only) Out
House Keeper (Applicable for Women candidates only) Out
Educator (Applicable for Women candidates only) Part Time 3
Art & Craft cum Music Teacher(Appl icable for Women candidates only) Part Time 3
PT Instructor cum Yoga Teacher 1 (Applicable for Women candidates only) Part Time 3

Vizianagaram Dist Jobs 2024 Eligibility

Name of the Post Eligibility Criteria
District Child Protection Officer (DCP0) a). Post Graduate degree in Social Work/ Sociology/ Child Development/ Human Rights Public Administration/ Psychology / Psychiatry/
Law/ Public Health /Community Resource Management from a recognized University.

b).At least 3 years of experience of working with the Govt./Non- Government Organization in Documentation, training & Capacity Building, Project formulation/implementation, monitoring and supervision preferably in the field of Women & Child Development/ Social Welfare.

c). Proficiency in Computers.
Assistant cum Data Entry Operator a).12th pass from a recognized Board/ Equivalent Board with Diploma/ Certificate in Computers.

b).Weightage for work experience candidate
Social Worker cum Early Childhood Educator (Applicable for Women candidate only) Should have Graduate preferably in BA in Social Work/ Sociology/ Social Sciences from recognized University.

2 years experiences with the Govt./ NGO preferably in the field of Women & Child Development.
C) 1 year of overseeing institutions that provide residential care and support to children d)Proficiency in Computers (MS Office with Internet)

Storekeeper cum Accountant (Applicable for Women candidates only)
a).Graduate in Commerce/ Mathematics degree from recognized University.
b).At least l year experience of working in desired field c).Computer Skills & command on Tally
Cook (Applicable for Women candidates only) a).Should have 3 years’ Experience in cooking in institutions and capable to cook for 50 inmates (children),
b).10th class pass/fail, Physical fitness certificate required as per ICPS guidelines(G. O. RT. No.114, dt.28.05.2015)
Helper cum Night Watchmen (Applicable for Women candidates only) 7th class pass/fail, should have 3years experience in cooking and house hold duties, especially work in institutions. (Physical fitness certificate required). as per ICPS guidelines (G.O.RT.No.114, dt.28.05.2015)
House Keeper (Applicable for Women candidates only) 10th class pass/fail, preferable any diploma in housekeeping, Should have 3 years Experience in housekeeping and house hold duties (especially working experience in institutions, Physical fitness certificate required as per ICPS guidelines (G.O.RT.No.114, dt.28.05.2015)
Educator (Applicable for Women candidates only) B.Sc,B.Ed in Mathematics and Science, should have 3 years experience, B.A Degree with B.Ed should have 3 years experience in English, Social and other subjects as per ICPS guidelines (G.O.RT.No.114, dt.28.05.2015) Time: Morning Shift:04:30 AM to 05:30 AM and Evening Shift:06:00 to 08:00 PM as per ICPS guidelines.
Art & Craft cum Music Teacher(Appl icable for Women candidates only) a).10th class certificate, Diploma in embroidery, tailoring and handicrafts i.e., soft toy making, handmade works, painting etc. From recognised institute,
b). should have 3 years experience in arts and crafts c)Music teacher: Diploma in Music from recognised university, should have 3 years experience as per ICPS
guidelines (G.O.RT.No.114, dt.28.05.2015)
PT Instructor cum Yoga Teacher 1 (Applicable for Women candidates only) Degree/Diploma Physical Educational Training and preference 3 years experience in Private or Govt.,Organisations as per ICPS guidelines (G.O.RT.No.114, dt.28.05.2015).
Time: Work from 06:30 to 07:30 AM and 04:30 to 05:30 PM all working days on Sundays 06:30 to 08:30 AM & 04:30 to 06:30 PM as per ICPS guidelines

Vizianagaram District Contract Jobs 2024 Remuneration

Name of the Post Monthly Eligible Remuneraton
( PM)
District Child Protection Officer (DCP0) 44,023/-
Assistant cum Data Entry Operator 13,240/-
Social Worker cum Early Childhood Educator (Applicable for Women candidate only) 18,536/-
Storekeeper cum Accountant (Applicable for Women candidates only) 18,536/-
Cook (Applicable for Women candidates only) 9,930/-
Helper cum Night Watchmen (Applicable for Women candidates only) 7,944/-
House Keeper (Applicable for Women candidates only) 7,944/-
Educator (Applicable for Women candidates only) 10,000/-
Art & Craft cum Music Teacher(Appl icable for Women candidates only) 10,000/-
PT Instructor cum Yoga Teacher 1 (Applicable for Women candidates only) 10,000/ -

Vzm Jobs 2024 How to Apply

All eligible candidates are requested to logon to https: / / and download application form, Educational qualifications and experience prescribed to the above posts from Recruitment Notification for the Vacant Positions(Contractual, Out Sourcing & Part Time) under Mission Vatsalya(ICPS), A.P Society for Protection and Empowerment of Women and Children." and send the filled in application along with enclosures before 20.09.2024. 

The candidate age should be 25-42 years as on 01.07.2023 and SC/ST/BC candidates relaxed 5 years of age. For any further information, please contact 0/0 the Dist. Women & Child Welfare & Empowerment Office, 1st Floor, Collectorate Complex, Vizianagaram - 535003 during the working hours. 

Applications without furnishing/enclosing requisite information will not be considered. Only qualified and short-listed candidates will be called for interview/discussion and top listed candidates shall be considered for selection. The undersigned officer is reserves the right to cancel the notification without assigning any reasons.

Notification for the recruitment of posts in MVS, Vizianagarm — DW&CW&EO, Vizianagaram
Notification with required qualification and application format for Uploading in the website for filling up of vacant posts in MVS, Vizianagarm under the control of DW&CW&EO, Vizianagaram
11/09/2024 21/09/2024 View Notification

Eligibility Criteria

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