Karimnagar Dist Court Recruitment 2014 Junior Assts Typists Steno Field Assistants . Applications are invited in the prescribed format enclosed herewith for appointment to the posts of JUNIOR ASSISTANT, STENOGRAPHER GRADE-Ill, TYPIST, EXAMINER, COPYIST AND FIELD ASSISTANT by direct recruitment in A.P. Judicial Ministerial Services in the Unit of District and Sessions Judge, Karimnagar as per A.P.J.M.S. Rules, 2003, from the eligible candidates. Last Date to apply 3rd Sep 2014.
Karimnagar Dist Court Recruitment 2014 Junior Assts Typists Steno Field Assistants
Number of Vacancies for Karimnagar District Judicial Recruitment 2014:- JUNIOR ASSISTANTS -33 posts
- Typists 16 Posts
- Examiner 7 Posts
- Copyist 15 Posts
- Field Assistants 9 Posts
Junior Assistants:
Applicant must have passed Intermediate examination conducted by the A.P. State Board of Intermediate Education or its equivalent examination. Must have knowledge or qualification in Computer Operation.
Field Assistant and Examiner:
Applicant must have passed Intermediate examination conducted by the A.P. State Board of Intermediate Examination or its equivalent examination.
Stenographer Gade-III:
Age Limit:
1) Must have completed 18 years of age and must NOT have completed 34 years of age as on 01-07-2014.
2) The maximum age relaxation limit is 5 years in respect of SCs, STs and Backward Class candidates and 10 years in respect of Physically Handicapped and Ex-servicemen as per rules in force.
Application Fee and Examination Fee:
The candidates shall pay Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two hundred only) towards examination fee to be conducted on O.M.R. Basis (Technology) in the form of Crossed Demand Draft drawn in any Nationalised Bank payable at KARIMNAGAR in favour of the PRINCIPAL DISTRICT JUDGE, KARIMNAGAR. The candidates belonging to Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe/Physically Handicapped and Ex. Service Men categories are exempted from payment of examination fee.
Applicant must have passed Intermediate examination conducted by the A.P. State Board of Intermediate Education or its equivalent examination. Must have knowledge or qualification in Computer Operation.
Field Assistant and Examiner:
Applicant must have passed Intermediate examination conducted by the A.P. State Board of Intermediate Examination or its equivalent examination.
Stenographer Gade-III:
- 1. Applicant must have passed Intermediate examination conducted by the A.P. State Board of Intermediate Education or its equivalent examination.
- 2. Must have passed A.P. Govt. Technical Examination English typewriting by Higher Grade.
- 3. Must have passed A.P. Govt. Technical examination in English Shorthand by higher grade or its equivalent. Provided that if candidates who have passed the examination by Higher Grade are not available those who have passed the examination by the lower grade may be considered.
- 4. Must have knowledge or qualification in Computer Operation.
Typist and Copyist:
- 1. Applicant must have passed Intermediate examination conducted by the A.P. State Board of Intermediate Education or its equivalent examination.
- 2. Must have passed A.P. Govt. Technical Examination English typewriting by Higher Grade. Provided that if candidates who have passed the examination by Higher Grade are not available those who have passed the examination by the lower grade may be considered. (This Clause is only applicable for Copyist category post only).
- 3. Must have knowledge or qualification in Computer Operation. (This Clause is only applicable for Typist category post only)
Age Limit:

2) The maximum age relaxation limit is 5 years in respect of SCs, STs and Backward Class candidates and 10 years in respect of Physically Handicapped and Ex-servicemen as per rules in force.
Application Fee and Examination Fee:
The candidates shall pay Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two hundred only) towards examination fee to be conducted on O.M.R. Basis (Technology) in the form of Crossed Demand Draft drawn in any Nationalised Bank payable at KARIMNAGAR in favour of the PRINCIPAL DISTRICT JUDGE, KARIMNAGAR. The candidates belonging to Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe/Physically Handicapped and Ex. Service Men categories are exempted from payment of examination fee.
Method of Recruitment
- For posts of Junior Assistant, Field Assistant and Examiner: i) Written test (Objective Type) of the Standard consistent with the General Educational Qualifications Prescribed i.e. Intermediate will be held on OMR (Technology Basis) for all the eligible applicants and Oral interview to the short listed candidates of above posts. Written Test will be for 80 Marks, and oral interview will be for 20 Marks.
- ii) Minimum qualifying marks in the Written Test shall be 40% to the O.C. candidates, 35% to the B.C candidates and 30% to the SC/ST candidates.
- For posts of Stenographer Grade-Ill, Typist and Copyist:: iii) Written test (Objective Type) of the Standard consistent with the General Educational Qualifications Prescribed i.e. Intermediate will be held on OMR (Technology Basis) for all the eligible applicants followed by skill test in Shorthand and Typewriting in English and oral interview to the short listed candidates of above posts. Written Test will be for 50 Marks, Skill test in Shorthand and Typewriting English will be for 30 marks and oral interview will be for 20 Marks.
- iv) Minimum qualifying marks in the Written Test shall be 40% to the O.C. candidates, 35% to the B.C candidates and 30% to the SC/ST candidates.
- Minimum qualifying marks in the Skill Test shall be 50% to the O.C candidates, 40% to the B.C candidates and to the SC/ST candidates.
Copies of Documents to be enclosed:
The candidates must enclose the true copies! Xerox copies of the following documents duly attested by the Gazetted Officer.
General Instructions::-
The candidates must enclose the true copies! Xerox copies of the following documents duly attested by the Gazetted Officer.
- (i) Certificates of Academic and Technical Qualifications such as Marks Lists, Pass Certificates, Provisional Certificates and other Testimonials, T.C. conduct, study, bonafide certificates and other certificates, if any; duly attested by the Gazetted Officer.
- (ii) Marks List of the Qualifying Examination i.e., Intermediate I and II years.
- (iii) Date of Birth Certificate
- (iv) Community(Caste) Certificate in case of reserved categories i.e., SC, ST and BC issued by competent authority.
- (v) Certificate in respect of Local/Non Local Candidate in terms of Presidential Orders 1975 i.e., Study Certificate for 4 consecutive academic years i.e., from classes VII to X are to be enclosed to their applications or in case, if, they have not studied in any institution in the district during the said period of 4 years, residence certificate from the concerned MRO for four years preceding the year of qualifying examination in Annexure-!; and residence certificate for four years preceding the year of issue of certificate shall be produced in Annexure-11 in terms of G.O.Ms.No.729, GAD (SPF-A) Department, Dt; 01-11-1975. If the certificates in proof of Local/Non Local candidature are not produced or if they are not in accordance with these instructions, the application will be rejected.
- (vi) Residential Certificate issued by concerned M.R.O., (vii) Employment Registration Card.
- (viii) In case of physically handicapped candidates the certificates issued by the Medical Board, clearly specifying the nature of disability and percentage of disability should be enclosed.
- (ix) A self addressed registered postal cover with acknowledgment by affixing postal stamps worth of Rs.25/- (Rupees twenty five only) or as fixed by the postal authorities for RPAD.
- (x) Crossed Demand Draft for Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two hundred only) in favour of the Principal District Judge, Karimnagar.
- (xi) (3)Three recent Passport size photographs of the applicant duly attested by the Gazetted Officer- (i) on the top of the application in the space provided, (ii) on the original hall ticket; and (iii) on the duplicate hall ticket in the spaces provided thereof.
General Instructions::-
- i) SEPARATE APPLICATION with separate Demand Draft is to be submitted for each post in separate envelop cover by mentioning "APPLICATION FOR THE POSTS OF ", on top of the envelop.
- ii) Appointments will be made only on the basis of PRESIDENTIAL ORDERS issued under Articles 371-D of the Constitution of India and subject to Rule of Reservation.
- iii) Applications should be submitted in the Proforma prescribed which is enclosed herewith and applications received in any other format will be· summarily rejected.
- iv) Applications with insufficient information, without necessary enclosures, will be summarily rejected and will not be informed.
- v) The candidates are instructed that the D. D. Number and name of the bank with date should be noted in the relevant column of the application.
- vi) "33-Junior Assistant posts, 9-Stenographer Grade-Ill posts, 6-Typist posts, 7-Examiner posts, 15-Copyist posts and 9-Field Assistant posts will be filled under direct recruitment and out the above posts, 27-Junior Assistant posts, 8-Stenographer Grade-Ill posts, 13-Typist posts, 6- Examiner posts, 12-Copyist posts and 8-Field Assistant posts are reserved for local candidates; and remaining 6-Junior Assistant posts, 1- Stenographer Grade-Ill post, 3-Typist posts, 1-Examiner post, 3- Copyist posts and 1-Field Assistant post are unreserved (for which both local and non-local candidates can compete) as per the instructions in Para 8 (1)(a) of the Presidential Order issued vide G.O.Ms.No.674, Dt. 20.10.1975.
- vii) No T.A. and D.A. will be paid to the candidates who appear for the Written Test or Interview.
- viii) The examination fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
- ix) Applications received prior to this notification and received after the due date and time, will not be entertained.
- x) This office is not responsible for any postal delay, delay caused by any other service like courier or delay in delivery etc. and no correspondence will be entertained in any respect.
- xi) Candidates resorting to bring influence of any kind will be disqualified summarily.
- xii) Mere applying will not give any right to any candidate to be called for either written test or interview as the applications of candidates will be short listed as per the guidelines issued by the Hon'ble High Court from time to time.
- xiii) Selection will be made as per guidelines of the Hon'ble High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad and APJMS Rules and subject to approval by the High Court.
- xiv) The appointing authority reserves the right to cancel or otherwise, the notification without assigning any reasons.
- xv) The appointing authority reserves all the Rights to reject the applications at any stage if any information therein is found to be false at any latter stage the appointment shall be cancelled and the applicants are liable for prosecution for furnishing such false information.
- xvi) The candidates, who are applied for the post of Stenographer Grade-Ill, Typist and Copyist, are instructed to bring their own typewriter for the skill test.