TSSA has proposed to Conduct of 3-day training at Mandal level for Primary Teachers from 20th October, 2014 on wards to all Primary Teachers in Telangana. Rc.No.5/SSA/T6/2014 Dated 4.10.2014. Financial Norms for Conducting Trainings to Primary Teachers in Telangana. All the District Educational Officers, the Project Officers of SSA and the Principals of DIETs in the state are informed that to improve classroom transaction and quality in the elementary schools, it is planned to conduct the teacher training at Primary level during the month of October 2014 in different spells in the following subjects
- classes I and II in Telugu and Mathematics
- classes III, IV and V in English and Mathematics. Details are as follows:
- classes I and II in Telugu and Mathematics
- classes III, IV and V in English and Mathematics. Details are as follows:
Rc.5 Primary Teachers Training for 3 Days from 20th Oct in TS State
Training Schedule at Mandal Level from 20th October, 2014.- The training schedule for the Primary level trainings as mandal levels should be from 20th October onwards in different spells and phases as follows:
- 1) A group of 20 mandals to be clustered as a unit.
- 2) Three days training should be conducted for teachers of classes I and II and classes III to V
- 3) The training to be given in the specified subjects on rotational basis in four spells.
- 4) Care to be taken in each spell, as to see that each mandal covers only one subject either of classes I & II or Classes III to V.
- 5) In 12 working days, the training should be covered in entire 20 mandals by 40 DRPs who are trained at state Level.
- 6) In about 36 working days, the entire training of primary teachers should be completed in the districts having about 60 mandals in three phases.
- 7) The detail schedule is worked out and incorporated m the guidelines prepared as a reference to the DPOs.
- 8) For conduct of trainings at mandal level, the following norms should be followed as the unit cost sanctioned by the MHRD i.e.,Rs.100 per participant per day. Accordingly, the financial committment for the Mandal Level training for the 50 members is as follows
Unit Cost for 3 Days Primary Teachers Training in Telangana
S. No | Description of the activity | Unit Cost | Phy | No. of Days | Amount (Rs. only) |
1 | Conveyance allowance to Participants | 30 | 50 | 3 | 4500.00 |
2 | Honorarium to Course Coordinator | 200 | 1 | 3 | 600.00 |
3 | Stationery to Participants, R.Ps, CD | 20 | 53 | 1 | 1060.00 |
4 | Tea and Snacks to Participants, R.Ps, CD | 12 | 53 | 3 | 1908.00 |
5 | Lunch charges to participants, R.Ps, CD | 35 | 53 | 3 | 5565.00 |
6 | Drinking Water | 3 | 53 | 3 | 477.00 |
7 | TLM | 160 | 1 | 1 | 160.00 |
8 | Electricity | 40 | 1 | 3 | 120.00 |
9 | Clerical charges (Rs.200/- per spell of 3-days) | 200 | 1 | 1 | 200.00 |
10 | Contingencies | 150 | 1 | 1 | 150.00 |
11 | Documentation | 100 | 1 | 1 | 100.00 |
12 | Sweeper charges (Rs. 160/- per spell of 3-days) | 160 | 1 | 1 | 160.00 |
Total | 15000.00 |
- 1. The above mentioned table indicates break up of item specific cost for conduct of 3-da y orientation at mandal level in one subject for 50 teachers out of an allocation of Rs. 100/- per teacher per day as per the budget approved by the Gout. of India. Accordingly for 50 teachers the total training cost @ Rs. 100/- per teacher per day {or 3-days is Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand only).
- 2. This amount has to be met from the budget allocation under in-service teacher training at mandal level for 2014 - 15.
- 3. However, T.A., D.A and Honorarium to the District Resource Group Members attending the mandal level training should be met from the budgetary allocation made under the head "10.06- District Resource Group Training" of the training budget for the year 2014- 15 at the district level.
- Hence, the DEOs and P.Os of SSA are requested to finalize the list of teachers and subjects in which each teacher is to be trained . Further they are requested to finalize the number of spells and phases of the training calendar and forward the same to the SPO before 9th October, 2014 without fail a nd go through the guidelines attached in the annexure.
Mandal Level Training for Primary Level TeachersFor DPO/ MEO
- At mandal level trainings the MEOs/School Complex HM should act as Course Director.
- The DRPs trained in respective subjects at State level should be the
- Resource persons at the Mandal level.
- In each Mandal, the training for teachers shall be conducted in four spells, each spell for 3 days. So that the schools should not get disturbed without teachers. The pattern of training details is show n in the table below.
- The venues with good infrastructural facilities preferably Secondary Schools, having adequate furniture for conduct of Training or MRCs with good accommodation shall be utilized. While selecting the venues, care should be taken that the primary school is accessible to the venue, so that the children of primary school shall be utilized for conduct of activities and demonstrations/practicum.
- The 3- day training should be conducted in a non-residential mode only.
- The 10 member subject wise DRG Team for each level in each district should split into 5 sub-teams each sub-team consisting of 2 members in each subject.
- So, there should be 5 sub teams subject-wise ( i.e., 5 sub-teams for Telugu for Classes I & II; 5 sub-teams for Mathematics for Classes I & II; Like-wise 5 sub teams for Classes III,IV & V for Mathematics and 5 sub-teams for English for Classes III,IV & V). In all there should be 20 sub-teams to train the teachers up to class V in the district.
- For conduct of training, consider their 20 mandals as one unit. In one unit, the training should be organized in respective mandals in four spells. In each spell five each mandals conducts training in one subject of one level. For every three days, the subjects and level of class should changes, on rotational basis as given in the table below.
- In first phase 20 mandals should be covered, in 2nd phase another 20 mandals should be covered and in thud phase rest of the mandals should be covered.
- Care is taken in each phase, each mandal covers only one subject either of classes I & II or Classes III to V. In 12 working days, the training should be covered in entire 20 ma ndals by 40 DRPs trained at state Level. In about 36 working days, the entire training of primary teachers should be'completed in the big district having about
60 mandals in three phases.
- In Single teacher schools, the teacher may be asked to undergo the training at least one training of any one subject either for classes I & II or classes III, IV & V. Ensure that the training period does not exceed three days for any teacher.
- The MEOs shall categorize the schools in their respective jurisdiction with single teacher, two teachers, three teachers, four teachers and more than four.
- The MEOs shall prepare the list of teachers handling the classes I &II and Classes III, IV &V along with the subjects they are dealing. Ensure that the training is imparted to the subject they are handing at school level, and are trained in the subjects chosen by them or on the basis of the subjects and classes they are teaching at their respective schools.
No. of Teachers | Classes I & II Telugu | Classes I & II Maths | Classes III to V Endish | Classes III to V Maths | No. of Days |
T1 (Single Teacher) | - | . | . | . | 3 days - Any one subject of I & II or III to V |
T1, T2 (Two Teachers) | T1 | T2 | Tl & T2 - 3 days each any one subject | ||
T1, T2 & T3 (Three Teachers) | T1 | T2 | T3 | Tl- any one subject of classes I & II. | |
T1, T2, T3, & T4., (Four Teachers) | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | 3 days each |
T1, T2, T3, T4 & T5 (Five Teachers) | TJ | T2 | T3 & T5 | T4 | 3 days each |
T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 & T6 (Six Teachers) | T! | T2 | T3 & T5 | T4 &T6 | 3-days each |
PROC 2014