Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 APPLY Online 252 Various Posts

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 APPLY Online 252 Various Clerical Posts. District Courts of Srikakulam has released Recruitment Notification for Various posts like Office Subordinate, Typist, Copyist, Examiner, Field Assistant, Steno, Junior Assistant, Process Server.
Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 Eligibility Criteria, Age Limit, Online Apply Procedure, Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 Vacancies Details,
Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 Notification PDF Download, Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 Fee Details, explained below. VZM Dist Court Jobs.

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 APPLY Online 252 Posts Direct Link

Title Description
Name of the Recruitment Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022
Recruitment Year 2022
District Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh
Working Office Srikakulam District Court
Vacancies 252 in Total
Application Procedure Online APPLY
Official Website AP High Court Website
Last Date to APPLY 11-11-2022
Telegram News Channel Click Here to Join

Srikakulam District Court Post Wise Vacancies Abstract

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 Post Name Vacancies for 2022 Recruitment
Office Subordinate 87
Typist 12
Copyist 13
Examiner 10
Field Assistant 10
Junior Assistant 62
Process Server 49
Stenographer Grade III 09
Total 252

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 Post Wise Vacancies

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 Office Subordinate Vacancies
Class/Category Number of posts
OC 33 (12 Women)
Economically Weaker Section (EWS 09 (3 Women)
Blindness or Low Vision 01 (Woman)
Hearing Impaired 01
Locomotor disability or Cerebral palsy 01
Meritorious Sports Person 02
BC-A 04 (1 Woman)
BC-B 07 (3 Women)
BC-C 01
BC-D 06 (1 Woman)
BC-E 03
SC 13 (5 Women
ST 06 (1 Woman
Total 87

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 Typist Vacancies

Class/Category Number of Posts
QC 03 (1 Woman)
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 01
Ex-Servicemen 01
BC-A 01
BC-C 01
BC-D 0l(Woman)
BC-E 0l(Woman)
SC 02 (1 Woman)
ST 01 (Woman)
Total 12

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 COPYIST Vacancies

Class/Category Number of posts
oc 03 (1 Woman)
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 01
Ex Service Men 01
BC-A 02
BC-C 01
BC-D 01 (Woman)
SC 02 (1 Woman)
ST 02
Total 13

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 EXAMINER Vacancies

Class/Category Number of posts
oc 02 (1 Woman)
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 02 (1 Woman)
BC-A 01
BC-B 01 (Woman)
BC-C 01
BC-D 01 (Woman)
BC-E 0l(Woman)
SC 01
Total 10

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 FIELD ASSISTANT Vacancies

Class/Category Number of Posts
QC 03 (2 Women)
Ex Service Men 01
BC-A 01 ( Woman)
BC-D 01
BC-E 01
SC 02 (1 Woman)
ST 01
Total 10

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 JUNIOR ASSISTANT Vacancies

Class/Category Number of posts
oc 23 (10 Women)
Hearing Impaired 01
Blindness or low vision 01 (Woman)
Locomotor Disability or Cerebral Palsy 01
Ex Service Men ap website 02
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 07(1 Woman)
BC-A 02
BC-B 06 (2 Women)
BC-D 02 (1 Woman)
BC-E 02
SC 10 (4 Women)
ST 05 (1 Woman)
Total 62

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 PROCESS SERVER Vacancies

Class/Category Number of posts
OC 21 (7 Women)
Hearing Impaired 01
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 04 (2 Women)
Blindness or low vision 01 (Woman)
Meritorious Sports person 01
BC-A 02 (1 Woman)
BC-B 03 (2 Women)
BC-C 01
BC-D 03 (1 Woman)
BC-E 02 (1 Woman)
SC 07 (3 Women)
ST 03 (1 Woman)
Total 49

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 STENOGRAPHER GRADE Vacancies

Class/Category Number of posts
QC 01 ( Woman)
Ex Service Men 01
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 01
BC-A 01
BC-B 01
BC-C 01
BC-D 01 (Woman)
SC 01 (Woman)
ST 01 ( Woman)
Total 09

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 - Eligibility - Educational Qualifications

Post: Stenographer Grade-III
Educational Qualification:

1. Applicant must be a Graduate from any recognized University, and
2. They must have passed A.P. Government Technical Examination in English Type Writing-Higher Grade and must have passed A.P. Government Technical Examination in English Short Hand-Higher Grade or equivalent examination.
Provided that if candidates who have passed the examination-Higher Grade are not available, those who have passed the examination- Lower Grade may be considered.
3. They must have knowledge or qualification in Computer operation

Post Name: Office Subordinate
Office Subordinate Educational Qualifications: Applicants must have passed 7th Class examination or its equivalent examination.
Candidates who failed "Intermediate or equivalent examination" will be considered eligible, but those who have higher qualifications than that shall not be considered eligible

Post Name: Record Assistant

Record Assistant Educational Qualifications:

Applicants must have passed Intermediate Examination Conducted by the State Board of Intermediate Education or its equivalent Examination

Post: Process Server

Process Server Educational Qualification:

Applicants must have passed SSC examination or its equivalent examination

Post : Junior Assistant

Junior Assistant Educational Qualification

1. Applicants must have passed Bachelor's Degree of any University in India recognized by the University Grants Commission or any equivalent qualification.
2. They must have knowledge or qualification in computer operation.

Post: Field Assistant
Field Assistant Educational Qualification:

Applicants must have passed Bachelor's Degree of any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act or Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any equivalent qualification

Post: Examiner

Examiner Educational Qualification:

Applicants must have passed Bachelor's Degree of any University in India recognized by the University Grants Commission or any equivalent qualification

Post: Driver - Light Vehicle

Driver Qualification:
1. Applicants must have passed 7th Class or Equivalent examination.
Candidates who failed Intermediate will be considered but those who have higher qualifications than that shall not be considered.
2. They must possesses a current valid light motor vehicle driving license issued by Competent Authority under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 with
Practical experience in Driving Motor Vehicles for a period of not less than (3) years with endorsement to drive Motor Cycle and Auto rickshaw.

Post : Copyist

Copyist Educational Qualification:

1. Applicants must have passed Intermediate examination conducted by the State Board of Intermediate Education or its equivalent qualification.
2. They must have passed A.P. Government Technical examination in English Typewriting-Higher grade qualification or its equivalent examination.
Provided that if candidates who have passed the examination by Higher Grade are not available those who have passed the examination by Lower Grade may be considered.

Post: Typist
Typist Educational Qualification:

1. Applicants must have passed Bachelor's Degree of any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act or Provisional Act or an Institution recognized by the university Grants Commission or any equivalent qualification.
2. They must have passed A.P. Government Technical Examination in English Typewriting-higher grade qualification or its equivalent examination.
3. They must have knowledge or qualification in computer operation

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 Post Wise Pay Scales

Post Name Pay Scale
Office Subordinate Rs. 20000 - 61960
Stenographer Grade III Rs. 34580 - 107210
Record Assistant Rs.23120-74770
Process Server Rs. 23780-76730
Junior Assistant Rs. 25220- 80910
Field Assistant Rs. 25220 - 80910
Examiner Rs.23780-76730
Driver Light Vehicle Rs.23780-76730
Copyist Rs.23780 - 76730
Typist Rs.25220-80910

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 Age Limit Post Wise

For All Posts the Age Limit is same. Read the Age limit below.
To be eligible, the applicant must have completed 18 years and must not have completed 42 years as on 01.07.2022
Provided that the upper age limit of 42 years is relaxable by 5 years in respect of the persons under Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes/ Backward Classes and EWS.
Provided that the upper age limit of 42 years is relaxable by 10 years for physically disabled persons.
Provided that the upper age limit of 42 years is relaxable as per Rule 12(1)(c) (i) of A.P.State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 for EX-Servicemen

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 Recruitment Procedure

1. The computer based examination will be of the standard, which will be consistent with the educational qualification prescribed for the post i.e. Graduation qualification. /SSC/Inter etc
The question paper of the computer based examination shall be objective type with multiple choice for 80 marks.
The skill test (Stenography) will be for 20 marks.
General Knowledge, (Number of questions Changes according to post)
General English . (Number of questions Changes according to post)
Each question carries one (01) mark.
The duration of computer based examination will be for 90 minutes.
3. For the computer based examination in respect of General Knowledge subject, the question paper will be in English and Telugu languages.
In case of ambiguity, the English version shall be treated as final.
4. Transcription test from shorthand to longhand will be conducted in MS Word with the use of Computers, the mode and other particulars will be uploaded in due course.·
5. The minimum qualifying marks to be secured in the computer based examination shall be 40% for Open Competition and Economically Weaker Section (EWS) category, 35% for BC category, 30% for SC, ST & PH category posts and for Ex-Servicemen and Meritorious Sports persons the minimum qualifying marks are as per their category.
The Meritorious candidates in 1:3 ratio will be called for skill test.
6. The minimum qualifying marks to be secured in the skill test are
40% for Open Competition and Economically Weaker Section (EWS) category,
35% for BC category and 30% for SCs, STs and PH category and for Ex-Servicemen and Meritorious Sports persons the minimum qualifying marks are as per their category.  

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 Fee Particulars

a)Category wise Fee details:
Open Competition/EWS/BC category have to pay examination fee of Rs.800/- (Rupees eight hundred only)
SC/ST/PH category have to pay Rs.400/- (Rupees four hundred only).
Only the applicants belonging to a community recognised as SC/ST in the State of A.P. alone are entitled for the concessional payment of examination fee of Rs.400/-
b) The candidates shall pay separate fee for each post applied.
c) Further, the candidates who applied for the posts of Stenographer Grade-III and qualified in the computer based examination and who are desirous for appearing the skill test, shall pay the fee of Rs.800/- (Rupees eight hundred only) towards online application processing fee and examination fee, whereas the applicants who are SC/ST/PH category have to pay Rs.400/- (Rupees four hundred only).
d) The Application/Examination Fee is to be remitted/paid online only.

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment Required Documents for Online Applicatoin

  • 1. Original certificates of Academic and Technical qualifications,
  • 2.Latest community and also Certificate of Non-creamy layer as per law. In case of failure to upload the latest certificate, (detailed article published in ap teachers . in) website his/her candidature will be considered against Open Competition.
  • 3. Economically Weaker Sections (EWS), shall upload the latest certificate issued either in the year 2021 or 2022 the gross annual family income from all sources is below Rs.8,00,000/-.
  • 4. Physically Disabled Certificate category, shall upload the certificate issued by the Medical Board specifying the nature of disability and the percentage of disability.
  • 5. Ex-Servicemen category, shall upload the Discharge Certificate.
  • 6. Meritorious sports quota, shall upload Form­ I, Form-II, Form-III and Form-IV as the case may be, as per Annexure-III of G.O.Ms.No.74, Youth Advancement, Tourism & Culture (Sports) Department, dated 09.08.2012.
  • 7. Certificate in respect of Local candidates in terms of the Presidential Orders, 1975 i.e., Study Certificate/s
  • 8. No-objection Certificate from Employer (if employed anywhere).
  • 9 The applicant has to produce original certificates on the day mentioned by the High Court for verification. If the applicant fails to produce any of the required certificates, his/her candidature will be rejected.

How to APPLY Online for Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022

Candidates who want to apply for Srikakulam District Court should first check their eligibility criteria and get ready with all the documents before applying/. Click the Official Online application link given below. Those who want to apply for the District Courts Recruitment Notification should first register by clicking the official link here

Instructions to read Carefully

Read below instructions carefully, Fields marked with * are mandatory.
1) Subject to eligibility, a candidate can apply for any number of posts.
2) The application for all the posts is in two parts:
3) The first part is the Registration form.
4) The second part is the specific application for each post.
5) The candidate has to fill up the details and submit the registration form first.
6) Once the registration is successful, Candidate will receive the One Time Profile Registration ID (OTPR ID) and Password on the registered Mobile Number and Email ID.
7) Candidate has to use OTPR ID and Password to login and apply for the Posts.
8) Once the registration is done, details cannot be changed.
9) Candidate has to submit a separate application for each post and also pay separate fee for each application.
The candidate, while applying for each post, can indicate one or more districts in which he/she seeks appointment for that post.
The candidate has to pay separate application fee for each District for which he is applying for in the application form.
10) Please note that there are 13 Judicial districts in Andhra Pradesh. Recent reorganization of districts will not apply for this recruitment process.  

Steps to fill Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 Application Form

1) Login using your One Time Profile Registration ID (OTPR ID).
2) Select Post and Judicial Districts to fill the application form.
3) Upload recent Photograph and Image of Signature.
4) Note: If candidate applies for more than one post, he has to apply separately for each post.
5) Submit the application form to proceed to Fee Payment.
6) Make the Fee Payment through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking.
7) On successful payment, candidate will receive the application number on email ID/Mobile number.

1. Application is accepted only after completing Part A and Part B.
2. Candidate can use same OTPR ID and Password to apply for another eligible post.
3. In case of any queries, please contact help desk.
There shall be one common test for following posts.
  • Stenographer Grade-III*
  • Junior Assistant
  • Typist*
  • Field Assistant
5. There shall be one common test for following posts.
  • Examiner
  • Copyist*
  • Record Assistant
6. There shall be one common test for following posts.
  • Office Subordinate
  • Process Server
  • Driver (Light Vehicle)*
For the posts of Stenographer Grade-III, Typist, Copyist and Driver (Light Vehicle) skill test will be conducted 7. A Candidate who has applied for one or more posts falling under one common test shall be required to take the test once only.

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment 2022 Application Dates

The online application portal will be available on the Official website and also on the websites of all the District Courts in the State of Andhra Pradesh from 22-10-2022 to 11-11-2022.
The Last date for submission of online application is 11-11-2022 upto 11.59 p.m.
No other modes of application will be entertained

  • Start Date: 22.10.2022
  • Last Date: 11.11.2022

Srikakulam District Court Recruitment Links to Download and Online APPLY

Post Name Download PDF Notification
 Field Assistant
 Junior Assistant
 Process Server
 Record Assistant
 Office Subordinate
 Stenographer Grade-III
 Field Assistant
 Junior Assistant
 Process Server
 Record Assistant
 Office Subordinate
 Stenographer Grade-III
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