Bank of India Recruitment 2013 – 170 Sepoy Vacancies: Bank of India, Mumbai South Zone has issued notification for recruitment of the 170 Sepoy (Sub Staff Cadre) vacancies in Bank of India, Mumbai South Zone, Mumbai North Zone and Navi Mumbai Zone. Eligible candidates can send their applications on or before 24-08-2013.
Total No. of Posts: 170
Name of the Post: Sepoy (Sub Staff Cadre)
Age Limit: Candidates Minimum age limit should be 18 years and maximum age limit should not exceed 26 years as on 07-05-2012. Age relaxation will be applicable as per the rules.
Educational Qualification as on 07-05-2012: Candidates should possess SSC (Std.l0th passed) with working knowledge of Marathi & English.
How to Apply:
Selection of Zone: . The candidates should apply for only one Zone.
The Candidate should enclose the certified copies of the following documents :

Zone Wise Vacancies:
Mumbai South Zone: 67
Mumbai North Zone: 73
Navi Mumbai Zone: 30
Name of the Post: Sepoy (Sub Staff Cadre)
Age Limit: Candidates Minimum age limit should be 18 years and maximum age limit should not exceed 26 years as on 07-05-2012. Age relaxation will be applicable as per the rules.
Educational Qualification as on 07-05-2012: Candidates should possess SSC (Std.l0th passed) with working knowledge of Marathi & English.
How to Apply:
Eligible candidates can send their applications in the prescribed format along with certified copies of Employment Exchange Registration Card, if registered, School Leaving Certificate, Caste Certificate, Certificates in support of Educational Qualifications and any other relevant document should be enclosed in an envelope superscribed with “Application for the post of Sepoy along with Name of the Zone applied for ” to Post Box No. 238, Mumbai GPO,Mumbai 400 001 on or before 24-08-2013.
Selection of Zone: . The candidates should apply for only one Zone.
The Candidate should enclose the certified copies of the following documents :
- i. Employment Exchange Registration Card, if registered.
- ii. School Leaving Certificate;
- iii. Caste Certificate (for SC/ST/OBC Category). For OBC candidate latest certificate with Non Creamy Layer clause required'
- iv. Certificates in support of Educational Qualifications;
- v. Certificate from the Medical Board regarding physical disability (For the candidates belonging to physically challenged category);
- vi. Any other relevant document.
- lncomplete/illegible applications will not be considered. Other terms and conditions will be as per the extant Government Guidelines. The decision of the Bank as regards selection shall be final