Accenture Associate Software Engineers Recruitment 2022 - APPLY Online Direct Link Check Eligibility

Accenture Associate Software Engineers Recruitment 2022 - APPLY Online Direct Link Check Eligibility
Acceture Recruitment 2022 - Associate Software Engineer APPLY Online
Associate Software Engineer (ASE)-software-jobs-in-Accenture
Accenture Associate Software Engg (ASE)

Accenture Recruitment 2022 - Associate Software Engineers Jobs APPLY Online

  • Experience: 0 Month - 11 Month(s)
  • Salary: INR 4,50,000 - 4,50,000
  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Location: Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Mumbai, Chennai, Gurgaon, Kolkata 
  • Associate Software Engineer (ASE) Software Jobs in Accenture
  • Last Date: Not Mentioned

Accenture à°²ో à°¸ాà°«్à°Ÿ్‌à°µేà°°్‌ à°œాà°¬్à°¸్‌.. B Tech à°µాà°³్à°²ు à°…à°°్à°¹ుà°²ు.. à°°ూ.4.5 లక్à°·à°² à°œీà°¤ం.. à°°ిà°œిà°¸్à°Ÿ్à°°ేà°·à°¨్‌ à°²ింà°•్‌

  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Location: Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Mumbai, Chennai, Gurgaon, Kolkata
  • Accenture ASE Recruitment 2022

à°‡ంజనీà°°ింà°—్ à°¸్à°Ÿూà°¡ెంà°Ÿ్à°¸్‌à°•ు à°œాà°¬్ ఆఫర్à°¸్ à°…ంà°¦ిà°¸్à°¤ోంà°¦ి à°Ÿెà°•్à°¨ాలజీ సర్à°µీà°¸ెà°¸్, à°…à°µుà°Ÿ్‌à°¸ోà°°్à°¸ింà°—్, మల్à°Ÿీà°¨ేషనల్ à°®ేà°¨ేà°œ్‌à°®ెంà°Ÿ్ à°•à°¨్సల్à°Ÿింà°—్ à°¸ంà°¸్à°¥ à°¯ాà°•్à°¸ెంà°šà°°్. à°ˆ à°•ంà°ªెà°¨ీ à°…à°¸ోà°¸ిà°¯ేà°Ÿ్ à°¸ాà°«్à°Ÿ్‌à°µేà°°్ à°‡ంజనీà°°్ (ASE) à°°ోà°²్ à°•ోà°¸ం à°°ిà°•్à°°ూà°Ÿ్‌à°®ెంà°Ÿ్ à°šేపట్à°Ÿింà°¦ి.
BE, B.Techà°²ో CSE, IT, ECE à°•ోà°°్à°¸ుà°²ు à°ªూà°°్à°¤ి à°šేà°¸ిà°¨ à°«్à°°ెà°·à°°్à°²ు; 2020, 2021 à°²ేà°¦ా 2022 à°¬్à°¯ాà°š్‌à°² MCA à°—్à°°ాà°¡్à°¯ుà°¯ేà°Ÿ్à°¸్ à°ˆ ఉద్à°¯ోà°—ాà°¨ిà°•ి à°…à°ª్లయ్‌ à°šేà°¸ుà°•ోవచ్à°šు.

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à°œాà°¬్‌ à°²ొà°•ేà°·à°¨్‌: Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Mumbai, Chennai, Gurgaon, Kolkata

Accenture à°Žంà°ªిà°• à°µిà°§ాà°¨ం:

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Accenture Recruitment 2022 - Associate Software Engineer APPLY Online

Accenture Recruitment 2022 JOB DESCRIPTION
Associate Software Engineer (ASE)

About Accenture Accenture Recruitment 2022

Accenture is a global professional services company with leading capabilities in digital, cloud and security. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries, we offer Strategy and Consulting, Interactive, Technology and Operations services-all powered by the world's largest network of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Operations centres. Our 624,000 people deliver on the promise of technology and human ingenuity every day, serving clients in more than 120 countries. We embrace the power of change to create value and shared success for our clients, people, shareholders, partners, and communities. Visit us at

Accenture Recruitment 2022 Role Over-view

Join our team that is developing, designing and maintaining technologies that improve the way our clients and the world works. Working in challenging and dynamic environments, using their versatility to create and support technology solutions that meet client requirements from analysis to implementation

Accenture Recruitment 2022 What would you do?
As an Associate Software Engineer you would largely be involved in:
Design, build, test, assemble, support and configure application using business requirements
Understand business drivers that will impact performance and deliver software to those expectations
Bake technology trends into solutions; Participate in the development of automation solutions, new functionality and technologies and integrate them in existing solutions
Responsible for incident resolution and support extended to customers through voice interaction/email/chat/remote support
What we need?

Accenture Recruitment 2022 We would love you to have:

  • Ability to anticipate and resolve business issues with agility
  • Multi-disciplinary and versatile with the aptitude to learn and apply new skills faster
  • Good analytical and problem-solving skills and proficient in verbal and communication skills
  • Deliver code, to time and quality expectations and participate in peer reviews
  • Take ownership of the successful implementation of the solution
  • Support infrastructure operations and /or manage delivery for IT production system and services
  • Flexibility to relocate for project deployment to any part of India and work in 24X7 shifts basis business requirement

Preferences for Accenture Recruitment 2022

  • Also, the below mentioned will be preferred:
  • Basic understanding of ABAP Development on HANA, CDS, AMDP, Performance Analysis
  • Experience or knowledge in configuration, customization of applications
  • Good working knowledge in J2EE and full-stack development
  • Knowledge and development experience of .NET (ASP.NET/ASP.NET MVC)
  • Test automation engineering
  • Creation of test designs, test processes, test cases and test data
  • Apply business and functional knowledge including testing standards, guidelines, and testing methodology to meet the teams overall test objectives
  • Responsible for designing testing scenarios for usability testing
    Prepare all reports related to software testing carried out
    Analyze the results and then submit the observations to the development team

Accenture Recruitment 2022 Eligibility Criteria:

All streams/branches of B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech, MCA, and M.Sc. (CSE, IT only) from 2022 year of pass outs with full-time education only (Part-time and distance educations are not considered)

Note: MBA /PGDBM candidates are not eligible to apply for this role

  • No active backlogs during application and/or during on boarding.
  • You should have completed your relevant degree (eligible for this job role), in the stipulated duration of the degree. Hence, there should be no gaps during the course of your degree.

 Eg: You must complete your B.Tech in 4 years or M.Tech/MSc in 2 years

  • Candidate should not have appeared for Accenture Recruitment assessment/interview process in the last three months.
  • Candidate should not have more than 11 months of experience
  • Candidates must be eligible to work in India either by citizenship/ have relevant work permit documents.
  • Please note that Bhutan and Nepal nationals can work in India without a need for obtaining a work visa. All other foreign nationals require work visa or an Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) or Person of Indian Origin (PIO) card to work in India
  • You are willing to work in any Business Unit/Service line within the company
  • You are willing to join /relocate to any Accenture office across India

Accenture has not authorized any agency, company or individual to either collect money or arrive on any monetary arrangement in exchange for a job at Accenture. Accenture's criterion for hiring candidates is merit. Any agency, company or individual offering employment with Accenture in exchange for money is misrepresenting their relationship with Accenture, which has not authorized any such action. If you are approached by any entity or individuals who demand money or any other form of compensation in return for a job offer at Accenture - even if they present themselves as representatives or employees of Accenture - please send the details to Accenture Business Ethics Line

Accenture Recruitment 2022 Assessment Procedure

Assessment Process:
If you are eligible, you will receive an email invitation to attend online assessments
The assessment is scheduled in two stages and must be completed within the scheduled time

Mock Assessment
You will get a 20-minute mock/practice assessment
Mock assessment is mandatory, and it will ensure that you have the right hardware, software, and internet
This assessment will help you to get an experience of the assessments

Assessment #1: Cognitive and Technical assessment
You will get 90 minutes to complete this assessment

Cognitive and Technical assessment includes 50 questions on
English ability
Critical thinking and Problem solving
Abstract Reasoning
Technical assessment includes 40 questions on:

  • Common Application and MS office
  • Pseudo code
  • Fundamentals of Networking, Security, and Cloud

Cognitive and technical assessment result will be notified within 5-10 minutes post-completion. You are advised to remain seated and await result. Coding assessment will commence immediately post result notification

You are required to meet the section and subsection cut off in our assessment to be considered for further rounds.
Candidates must participate in coding assessment mandatorily post clearing the cognitive and technical assessment.
Candidates who do not clear cognitive and technical assessment or fail to participate in our assessments the process will end there for their candidature.

Assessment #2: Coding assessment
The duration of this assessment will be 45 minutes
You will get 2 questions that must be solved using any one of the following languages
Dot Net

Assessment #3: Communication assessment
The duration of this assessment is approximately 30 minutes
You will receive a separate email with timelines and login details to participate in this assessment
Communication assessment will assess you on the below mentioned parameters
Sentence Mastery

APPLY Online for Accenture Recruitment 2022 Click Here

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